The Old Cottonians' Association
Founded in 1927
In 2024 the Old Cottonians’ Association, is in its 97th Year having been formed in 1927, by then Warden Rev. A. E. Scipio (1924 – 1929). It was then called the “Old Boys’ Association” and now as “Old Cottonians’ Association.” The First Meeting was held on 26th December 1927 in the School with 23 members present. In its early years, the Warden would monitor the Association and would preside over all the meetings. The Bursar would be the Secretary and Treasurer. The Warden makes it a point to correspond with every Old Boy personally.

If a school is generally known by its Principal & Staff, Cottons is known by its Old Boys. The Cottonian of 1890 prophetically remarks: “This is the beginning of the nest network, which we wish to see, springing from a knot in the Old School, and extending all over India and thence to all the countries where Old Cottonians may happen to have their lives thrown. This bond is shortly to be cemented by a gathering of Old Cottonians wherein we hope to see old and new aligning themselves in one long rank, old alternating with young”.

Looking back, it seems strange that although the School was founded in 1865, it took 52 long years before an Association of Old Students to be formed in Cottons, the Association was nurtured, managed and subsidized by the School.

In 1936, the Old Cottonians planned for a New Organ for the Chapel. It was then decided that the New Organ should be a Memorial to Mr. A.G. Haines twenty-five years of faithful service to the school. On Saturday, 16th March 1940, the first strains were heard on the New Hammond Electronic Organ played by that great Music Master Mr. Maurice Lanyon. It was dedicated on 21st April 1940 by Bishop Pakenham Walsh, who had been warden when Mr. Haines had joined the staff.

It was during Rev. Iowerth Lewis Thomas, Warden (1955 – 1970) “Old Cottonians’ Association” Constitution was formed, and the Association became an autonomous body. The “OCA'' is the only alumni in India that runs independent of the school with its own Managing Committee and its own funds.

The “Old Cottonians’ Association” and the School have a symbiotic relationship today. Both gain from each other because both have a lot to offer each other. The “OCA” has an office space in the School campus and is in regular touch with the needs of the School. Though autonomous in its functioning, it is deeply sensitive to the needs of the School, rising to the occasion to contribute to the greatness of the institution, through its own network, by way of material and moral support.

Mr. Alistair R A Freese, Principal of the School is the President of the Old Cottonians’ Association. Col. Lalit Rai, VrC (Veteran), the Patron of the Old Cottonians’ Association, and the Class of 1971, a former Indian Army officer who was decorated “Bravest of the Brave” for his actions during the Kargil War in 1999. For his inspirational leadership and conspicuous bravery of a very high order, he was awarded the Vir Chakra on 15 August 1999, by the President of India.

The Managing Committee of the “Old Cottonians’ Association”, comprises the “Chairman”, “Vice-Chairman”, “Hon. Secretary”, “Joint Secretary”, “Hon. Treasurer”, “Five Committee Members” and “Immediate Past Chairman”.  

Over the years, the Association hosts 3 Rolling Trophy-Events, those being “Old Cottonians’ Shield for cricket”, “Dr. Raja Ramanna Trophy for Chess” and the “Khaleel Mekhri Trophy for Football”, among other initiatives such as “The Cottonian Brotherhood”, “OCA – Care”, “Cottonians Connect”, “Career Insight”.

OCA in association with the English Department have initiated the “Alumni Mentorship Program- AMP” for the benefit of the students of the graduating Class and OC captains of the Industry. The other distinguished Awards as “A. T. Balraj Award” for the teachers, in appreciation of having served at Cottons and “Rev. Scipio Medal of Merit” for the toppers of the ICSE & ISC Examinations of the year.

The Commemorative Service of St. Peter’s Day is held on June 29 of every year. A very solemn service held in gratitude to” The Society for Propagating of Gospel” (SPG), when Bishop Cotton School was taken over by the St. Peter’s Brotherhood. The day preceding the St. Peter’s Day is celebrated as the “Old Cottonians’ Day” on June 30th. As is customary, the cricket match between the Old Boys’ and the Present Boys’ is held after the Chapel service along with other sports such as football, BasketBall and Tennis are organized.

The Reunion Dinner is held during the Commemoration tide and is one the most – longed - for events of the year. No matter what the level of distinction is, all Old Cottonians’ sing the one song that unifies the fraternity.  “The School Song – On straight On !” which is sung in gusto and fervor.

The historical ties between the “Old Cottonians’ Association” and “Bishop Cotton’s” are deep and strong. A careful nurturing of that will give us a sense of purpose and direction as we march into the Third Millennium.
Nec Dextrorsum Nec Sinistrorsum
OCA managing Committee
2024 - 2025
OCA committee 2024-2025 with Principal, Mr. Alistair R A Freese
Junaid Mahmood Jaffer
House: Pettigrew
Batch: ICSE 1989
Vice Chairman
Praveen Paul
House: Elphick
Batch: ICSE 1985
Mohammed Ahsan
House: Thomas
Batch: ICSE 2007
Joint. Secretary
Manoj Sanker
House: Pope
Batch: ICSE 2008
Arham Faheem
House: Pope
Batch: ICSE 1995
Committee Member
Vikram Magal
House: Thomas
Batch: ICSE 2007
Committee Member
Dr Ajit Pillai
House: Pakenham Walsh
Batch: ICSE 1998
Committee Member
Mohammed Ismail
House: Thomas
Batch: ICSE 2010
Committee Member
Faraz Ahmed
House: Pettigrew
Batch: ISC 2020
Committee Member
Rohit Gupta
House: Thomas
Batch: ISC 2003